At Scarborough Citadel everyone is welcome to participate in some way. If you would like to be involved or have questions about a specific area of ministry feel free to contact one of the people below. If they aren't the one who can answer your questions they will be able to connect you with someone who can. We'd love to connect with you! Send us an e-mail!

Corps Officer/Pastor
Major Mark Hall, is the lead pastor of Scarborough Citadel. Connect with him for prayer, pastoral care, and information about the church.
Mark brings a wealth of experience and spiritual life to share with us.

Church Office Administrator
Daria Gryshko (Dasha) is one of the first people you'll meet if you come to Scarborough Citadel during the week. She sits at the front desk welcoming everyone who walks in, looking after our booking calendar, statistics, and a myriad of other duties. If you're not sure who to ask, ask Dasha, she will connect you with the right person.

Teen & Youth Ministries
Rachel Eastman coordinates anything and everything to do with teens (12-18) and young adults (19-30). They meet regularly on Friday nights at 7 pm and connect at other times throughout the month. You can find more info on these groups via instagram, or connect with her directly at the e-mail above.

Children's Ministry
Ella Bao is our creative and energetic children's ministry coordinator. You'll see her most Sundays (online or in person) leading us in a children's time before they leave for Sunday school. Ella has a great team of adults helping her with teaching, and assisting with the children. Check out the Children's page to see what they've been up to recently.

Grief Support & Visitation
Major Eileen Butler-Caughie is the visitation officer for Scarborough Citadel. She primarily visits those who are unable to get to church due to age or illness. Eileen has also led Grief Support groups. If you would like support during your time of mourning feel free to connect with Eileen. She would be happy to support you in a group or one-on-one setting.​

Community & Family Services
Don Halsey is the coordinator of our Community & Family Services. Along with the Community and Family Services worker Evie, students and volunteers, Don ensures that our food bank is stocked and running well. Don is also available to sign your child up for overnight summer camp, lead fundraisers to provide camp opportunities, and on occasion, he is known to be an excellent BBQ chef at community and church events.

Family Services Worker
If you come to the food bank during the week you'll find our team ready to greet you with a welcoming smile. The volunteers work hard to serve the public by keeping the pantry stocked and helping guests choose food. If you're in need of emergency food support feel free to make an appointment by clicking here.

Music Groups
Steve Brown is a retired music teacher in the TDSB. He has been the acting bandmaster of Scarborough Citadel Senior Band, and official Junior Band master for many years. If you or your child would like to learn to play a brass instrument contact Steve. If you have a desire to serve God in music using guitars, drums, and voice Steve can also help connect you with the leaders of our Worship Team

Integrated Ministries
Alison Moore works at Scarborough Citadel to help connect people to the church and to God. She does this by creating online connecting points like the website, and online church directory, She works at getting to know each person who comes to church on Sunday so that they can experience the love of God. If you would like to meet with someone to develop your relationship with God over time connect with Alison.